MTG Stables - "The products provide that little extra for a good stable environment."

"At MTG Stables we run a horse business, mainly in competition. We breed some jumping horses but focus mainly on young horses from 4 years up to horses that are at Grand Prix level. The young horses compete in young horse championships, are trained and developed. Some go on to be sold and some are saved for long-term production in the sport.

We constantly strive to have a whole in everything we do, from training, care, feed and the stable environment. Our horses spend a lot of time outside, but a large part of their time is spent inside the stables. Therefore, it is very important for us that we have a fresh and healthy indoor environment for the horses, but also for the staff. This is why we have chosen to use Q Stables products. The products provide that little extra for a good stable environment."

- Carl-Walter Fox, Operations Manager and rider at MTG Stables

Products for a healthier, cleaner and better stable environment